I recently received a message from a person involved with commercial driving schools, criticizing my book Not So Fast because on the back cover it lists as one of the book’s topics, “Why Driver’s Ed does not produce safe drivers.”  Let me set the record straight about this misunderstanding.


In Not So Fast and on this blog, my messages to parents are that (1) Driver’s Ed is essential, because teens need to know the rules of the road and how to operate a motor vehicle safely; but (2) parents should not think that a 15-16-17-year-old son or daughter who has finished a Driver’s Education course is a safe driver who no longer needs parent oversight.  I only caution parents that Driver Education cannot overcome the reasons that teens have the highest crash rates, starting with the unchangeable biological fact that the human brain is not fully developed until we reach about age 25, and the last part of the brain that develops is the part that provides judgment and restraint — critical safe driving skills.  My message is not that Driver’s Education is not worth the cost or time.  My book supports Driver Education and driving schools, because parents who understand the dangers of teen driving are more likely to understand the necessity and value of what driving schools do.  As a result, my particular message to driving school owners and instructors is that, “Parents who are well educated about the dangers of teen driving are your best customers.”


As proof that this is my message, in addition to the book itself, I invite a visit to the book’s website, www.nsfteendriving.com, click on Book / Media Coverage, and watch any of the on-line videos of my presentations to parents.  The November 2013 presentation at the Simsbury Library and the April 24, 2014 Fitch High School video are good examples.


I have enjoyed an excellent relationship with many driving school owners, who have read the book and endorsed it as a resource.  Driving school owners have written glowing reviews of Not So Fast.  I have been invited to speak to parents by several Connecticut driving schools.  I receive e-mails regularly from driving school owners and driving instructors thanking me for educating parents of their students.


As the saying goes, we should not judge a book by its cover.

