Dear Readers: as some of you may have noticed, during the past six weeks I took some time away from regular posts on this blog. I wish I could say that I was relaxing on some beach or golf course, but I have been working on my book, His Father Still, and also doing some research for upcoming blog posts. Contrary to what some may think, these blogs do not write themselves, and some of the posts actually require some digging. The time has been productive. Upcoming on this blog is what will probably be a multi-part series about teens and distracted driving, including such topics as whether GPS (Global Positioning Systems) and on-board navigation systems are a help or a detriment to safety among teen drivers; the emerging cellphone apps that prevent texting while the car is in motion: hands-free texting (another emerging technology); and the next wave of dashboard mounted computers and other interactive electronics. (Now you see why I needed some time do research.)


In the meantime, I have one proud addition to the blog. A few weeks ago, my daughter Martha, who turned 18 in May (and lost her borther when she was 14), and I taped a half hour interview about safe teen driving for West Hartford Community Television. The program was sponsored by HopeWorks, a family counseling center in West Hartford. The link to the archived video is below. Martha (I have her permisson to post this and link the video) describes her own activities with regard to safe teen driving and gives her perspectives on why teens do and don’t take safe drivng seriously. I will apologize in advance for the moments on the video when I was beaming at my daughter with pride.


Best wishes for a safe and enjoyable summer.
